

鲍勃·格林尼“My favorite part is I get to help my students get up to where they can make a family-level 自己的收入. 的n they come back and introduce me to their kids, I get to go to the auto shops and see them working and they are proud of the work they do." - 鲍勃·格林尼, WVC Auto Technology Program Director 


How did you started working here at WVC?

"Back in 2008, I’d been working at Leonard Evans as service manager for almost 10 years and one of the instructors here at the college decided to retire. 他叫 me up and invited to teach an auto transmission class, and I said, “Sure, why not?” Well, I didn’t realize at the time, but that was my interview.  那是在秋天 of 2008 and they decided to give me a chance. 他们 hired me up and I’ve been here 自从."

What is your favorite part about being an instructor?

"What I think is cool is that I’ve been involved in every step of a student’s automotive career that they can experience. From the tech center at the 高中, to the college, to entry level technician, to journey man technician, to shop foreman, to shop manager 店主. Personally, I’ve experienced every step of a career in the auto industry, which is how I know how to guide my students in whatever direction they want to go. My favorite part is I get to help my students get up to where they can make a family level 自己的收入. 的n they come back and introduce me to their kids, I get to go to the auto shops and see them working and they are proud of the work they do. It’s just a cool legacy and is something that makes me very, very proud to say 这就是我的工作."

How does the WVC Auto Tech program impact the 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley?

"People can slowly work their way up in the auto tech job market (without an education) but it is  a very long paced trek to get to the 前.  But when you go through the Auto Tech college program, it is a much straighter path from the very beginning to where you want to be in your career. Your learning curve is way, way straighter. 的 auto tech students have often been placed in jobs before they graduate. 我有校友 working in every auto shop in town, at auto dealers and at the PUD. 我有校友 working at Boeing, at Crunch Pak, and one alumni who graduated in 2011 is now teaching at the 高中 tech center. 这些都是我的校友. 我是一个非常骄傲的爸爸. 他们 付钱让我做这件事! 他们 pay me to help people get jobs and feed their families.  I have students from all kinds of backgrounds, different genders and different ages 在程序中. We have students anywhere from 16 years’ old who are part of the Running 开始 program to people in their 60’s but they all act like students of the same age when they come into the class.  It’s kind of funny how that works."

How has the foundation impacted the auto tech program or one of your students?

"After I’d worked here for a while, I started getting involved in 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College and how it works and why it works and started to focus on making it a better 给学生的地方.  的 students are why we are here; they are who we are supporting. We are here to make them better citizens and better people. 基金会一直在 instrumental in helping us do that. 的 foundation has  helped us get better equipment, trainers (cars donated for students to work on) and they continue to partner with donors who are motivated to help with those purchases. 

…We as a community invest a little money up front by providing scholarships and funding 项目. 的 benefits that we gain are in a solid, skilled and knowledgeable work force who know how to keep up with the industry demands. 这就是 前. While we are investing in our students, we teach them skills and also  how to 做优秀公民. We teach them how to be professional, how to be punctual, how to act professional, what it means to be diverse and open minded thinkers. 有 a lot that we teach here at the college that doesn’t get taught at the homes or at 高中. We hold the students of WVC to a higher standard and I think our alumni prove that fact, that we hold them to a higher standard."